Posted by: Claudia

Jul 26, 2014

Claudia outdoor

Recent Comments for XXL (32)
  • would love to have sex with you, am wanking now looking at your tits
  • You are a very sexy lady. I would love to play with you for an hour or two. You have amazing tits.
  • love looking at you. would love to cum with you
  • you are sooo hot. you make my dick hard
  • very very sexy and wonderful woman
  • Love the funbags!
  • So, "tutu," you say I had to "pay" a woman so I could take her picture. Okay, then using that argument, what does it say about your total lack of manliness that you couldn't even do THAT? And I do make several positive comments buried within my responses. Of course, you're far too illiterate to understand that anymore than you're too illiterate to understand or appreciate "spam alert" ironic use of cutting and pasting to counter the fact that the person he's after cuts and pastes the exact same comment on every board every single day. Finally, I note that you seem to have a problem with my comments, but you have NO problems whatsoever with the abusive comments upon which they are based. That really shows the kind of person you are, bud.
  • Hey danninhbg. @sshole try to make an original positive comment for once in your sorry life. OH sorry i forgot. you only lurk in the background and pounce on people you don`t like. and pictues of a girl you pay for don`t count as a post @sshole
  • Smells like L@
  • Hey, "Fingers," you claim she has no pride . . . but what's obvious to all is you have no WOMAN. And as to "Sucksdickbiggershaft," your confusion is easily understood . . . I mean it's clear you've never actually seen a woman naked in person.
  • mmm great tits love to cum all over those beauties!! love to see some pussy and ass shots!! ty vm
  • WTF
  • I would love to suck on your tits. Very sexy.
  • I guess you have no pride?
  • claudia has incredible tits. she is so fucking hot that i wish i could fuck her. please post more pics. gluckyv103@


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